Best amp for Sonus Faber Cremona M - need help

Almost convinced that the new Cremona M will become my next speakers. But, I'm not sure about the amplifier. I have the possibility to buy an 8 year old Classé pre/power combo (CP-45 + CA200), but could also get a new Krell KAV400xi cheap. Or would the Audia Flight One integrated amp match well with the Sonus Fabers? First two amps are 200 Watts/ 8 Ohm, the Audia 100 / 8 Ohm.
Any suggestions?
SF Cremona's work very well with McIntosh Amps...MA6900. I would also recommend Plinius 9200 integrated Amp.


I like the idea of Musical Fidelity. Nice stuff and has a warmer sound. Why not have a Mac piece shipped to you? The way the dollar has tanked now, geesh, might be a good way to go. My dealer is L&M Custom Home Electronics and I know he has internantional shipping experience. He is very reputable and one of the top Mac dealers in this country. Something also to consider is that GOOD tube power is ablel to drive many speakers with fine results, so I would not discount a well made tube amp based on its power ratings. Good luck.
You don't think that with this speakers a powerfull solid state amp would do a better job (esp. in the lower regions - I'm a bass guy)? Cremona used to like a lot of juice, but maybe the M is different in that regard also?

As for tube amps... Could you give me any suggestions for a good powerfull tube amp with remote control? Price range about 5000$.


Go with the Musical Fidelity. Best of both worlds and it is available in your country. Maybe the KW 500. Or a lightly used Tri or Nu Vista.