Best Amp for Timbre, Depth and Spatial Resolution?

I have an Ayre CD player, BADA Alpha DAC, deHavilland Mercury pre-amp, CJ MF-2500A amp and N802 - am looking to upgrade amp.
Would like to hear views on Best Amp for Timbre, Depth and Spatial Resolution.
Not married to tube or SS..
Always wonder about Stereophile recommended components such as Aesthetix Atlas, Parasound JC-1, CJ LP-125 and the likes. I would pay about $5k on Agon so there are some limitations.
Bo1972 is very open and straightforward as to who he is and what he sells. He makes it crystal clear he is a dealer and has many clients.He's expressing his opinions and experiences with various brands, what is wrong with that? People can take his comments for what you think they're worth. I certainly don't get the impression he's here hunting for more business.
The world of audio is small. Everyone knows eachother. The thing I hate most is the high level of egoism. They are nice to you wenn you sell there stuff. Wenn you do not sell it anymore it suddenly changes a lot. The thing I dislike most is how many people in this business sell average or even poor audio for high prices. People are not informed by honnest information. Wenn you visit them at home you are often amazed about the low level the play. Even wenn they paid a lot of money. My direct approach will never be everybody's favorite. Because sometimes prefer there own truth. They want to hear what they would like to hear. Wenn you criticise there stuff they often feel like you attack them. So people can get irritated. People have to learn to look further. Also in audio. That is why I never will use the words you should buy this. I only say; you should listen to this. In real I have the advantage that I can make my words stronger and more honnest by letting people hear it. Because honnesty is everything for me. I do consulting in sound and vision because I love the freedom. I worked for over 8 years in audio shops. But for me it is no challenge anymore. I hope people will open there eyes to see there is more. You do not have to agree with me. Because every person can have there own opinion.
That is certainly the case Charles1dad. He makes it very clear that he sells Pass Labs, Monitor Audio and Onkyo. I have no problem that he is a dealer. In fact, I have stated more than once that he is one of the very few dealers that recommends cheaper components over much more expensive ones. What I find wrong is that fact he is taking over every thread by repeating the same thing over and over again. Check for yourself what is the typical number of posts he is posting in a thread, and more importantly, if there are any significant differences between his posts.