Best Amps for Martin Logan Sequel II's?

Any recommendations for amps under $1200 on the used market to drive these speakers? I currently am using a Counterpoint SA-100, with Quicksilver line preamp.
Sorry, forgot to add that possible considerations would be: McCormack DNA 0.5 Muse 160 Classe CA-100 Aragon 8008 ST or BB Proceed Amp-2 These are amps I have read about only; have not listened to any, though I will be listening to the McCormack later this week.
Terry, I have owned Sequels for almost 8 years now. I currently run a Aragon 4004 MK II, bi-wired. I have had a Parasound 2200, OTL 150, PS Audio 200C and Adcom 555. I have borrowed a McCormack DNA1-Deluxe and think it sounds by far the best of anything I've heard. I'm looking for one to replace my Aragon. I like the 4004, but the Mac's much tighter, sweeter and faster. When you are able to switch them around and hear them, you can't miss it. Having listened to the Sequels for hours a day, I'd have to say the more juice you feed them, the better they respond. I'm talking current, not watts. They drag amps without juice into submission. I love the Aragon on them, but must admit the Mac's the thing for these babies. They sing with it in there. I've heard many others with them, but for the money, McCormack is a great deal. Mark Root
Mark: Thanks for the quick response and advice. Any chance you have heard the DNA 0.5 with the Sequels?
I use a DNA-1 deluxe amp with my ML reQuests and that´s an excellent match.I owned the Sequel II´s and SL 3´s prior to my reQ´s and the Mc Cormack sounded very good with these speakers as well.The 0.5 is also a very good amp for the money. Hasse
Well, U should get an amp that really pushes...high power...get a used Bryston 4B or nrb or st...adcom 5802 is also a good choice....U will hear much well define sound instead of squicking.....and color the sound with ur pre amp....spend another 1,000.. That is the best way...good suggestion is a used Audio reseach LS2B for full sound