best artists in the last 15 years

I am wanting to focus on the newest and up coming artists. Specifically rock,folk and jazz or a mix of them. Who is most likely the most talented, best written and produced
Basic Channel(93), Sleater-Kinney(94), Cat Power(94-ish), Boards Of Canada(96) & Phosphorescent(00) are a few to come to mind. There are tons of bands mentioned above that were formed WAY more than 15 years ago. Radiohead formed in 89, NIN in 89, Massive Attack in 87, Guided By Voices in uh uhm...85, etc.
One band that I would add is:


Overall, I'd agree that this is a pretty sad list of pop and rock groups. Many of the choices that seem most popular - Wilco, White Stripes, Radiohead (as well as my addition Eels) are hardly new, upcoming bands.

I'd guess (or at least hope) that a lot of the more creative stuff being done today is in the hip-hop and hybrid hip hop genres that don't seem to appeal to this crowd. The band Flobots is one of the few hip-hop/rock hybrids that I find interesting. Their song "Handlebars" is the best angry political statement I've heard in years.
