Best beer

Kokanee gets my nod.
Hacker Pschorr Hefe Weizen
Franziskaner Weissbier
Konig Ludwig Weissbier
Berliner Kindl Weisse
Schneider Wiesse
Spaten Hefeweizen
Pauleaner Hefe Weizen
Blue Moon
Pyramid Wheat
Okanagan Wheat
Granville Island Hefeweizen
Victoria Weizen
Liplock Summer Wheat
Pyramid Wheat
Yaletown Brewery Wheat beer

Do you live in a desert?

My favorite beer also happens to be a seasonal beer available only around Christmas - Lagunitas Sucks. Not the most charming name but there's a story behind it.

Another terrific, seasonal find, but very limited distribution is Pliny The Younger from the Russian River Brewing Company. Otherwise, I keep Bell's Two Hearted Ale and Stella Artois around.

When I want to splurge a little, I'll open a Stone Ruination but it's a little too expensive for an everyday brew for me.
I said it before, I'll say it again.Milwaukee's Best. The name says it all !!!!!
I raise up my Warsteiner to each and everyone of ya. Here's to good beer, good music, and good sounding equipment to play it on!