Best blues guitarist, Clapton or Green

I know Clapton is God, but is he a better blues guitarist than Peter Green.
Albert King. The man practically invented the "bending strings" technique. I also 2nd Jimmy D. Lane. Believe Mr. Clapton would agree that Mr. Green is one-up on him.

Use to have the same discussions in grade school. Then our prime choices were Hendrix, Clapton, J. Beck, J. Page. Interesting.

Really difficult to disagree with most of those talents mentioned above, really.
I consider JJ Cale ten times the bluesman Clapton is...... I just don't get this Clapton Blues god b.s., There are SO many Bluesmen who you can't even star to compare Clapton to.... it's like Calling Diana Krall an incredible Jazz singer. Give me a break.