Best blues guitarist, Clapton or Green

I know Clapton is God, but is he a better blues guitarist than Peter Green.
BB King put it best, "Peter Green is the only player who makes me sweat." In his prime there was none better. Superlative guitarist, songwriter, and vocalist, Peter Green had it all
The Fleetwood Mac tunes "Oh Well" pts 1 and 2 alone provides a nice sampling of PG's abilities as a player and is one of my favorite rock/pop/classical 1-2 punches of all time. It's all there!
Strange thing about Oh, Well.

You'd have to look long and hard to find two guitarists with more divergent styles than Peter Green and Lindsey Buckingham. In concert, Buckingham (duetting with Neal Heywood) often plays one Peter Green song - Oh, Well. The song contains an acoustic section that actually snugs up against Buckinham's style. (Check out Family Man to see what I mean.) AFAIK it is the only piece in Green's catalog that does so, so the choice of Oh, Well might seem like a natural for Buckingham to cover live. But he never plays that acoustic part of the song. Always thought that was a little strange.