Best budget integrated choices

I had a Sugden A21 some years ago but it died an unfortunate death.

I am looking for a budget (defined as as cheap as possible) integrated to power my LS3/5a V2 (a little easier to drive than the original) to not loud levels.

I worked myself into a tizzy of joy reading reviews of the Onkyo A-9010 Integrated Stereo Amplifier to only find out that the UK version is the one voiced (if I can say that) with a nice warm presentation.  I am a tube guy at heart but appreciate a warm SS amp.

What else should I be looking at.  I am a but apprehensive on used SS after mine died.

If you can find an Audio Refinement Complete for $500 or less, buy it and stop there. Likewise, if you can find an Arcam Alpha 10 for $300 or less, same thing. Next step up might be a Plinius 8100, 8150 or 8200. Great integrated amps and great used prices. I've owned all of these at one time and like them all. BTW, my current amp is a Rega Elicit-R. Really nice integrated, but about $1750 +/- $250 used today.

Use your Yamaha, save some money. Watch for a Audio Refinement, Arcam A19, NAD 356BEE, or Marantz 8004 or 5 series, or maybe Rouge audio Sphinx. Any could be had for $5-700 depending on model. I had a Audio Refinement in my system ~6 years age and can testify as to how good it is, however those units are now ~15 or more years in age. I would prefer to buy a used amplifier ~5 years old if I intend on keeping it a few years.

My thinking is that amplifiers of recent vintage ~5 years old can be had for ~50% of original cost, ~10 year old ones ~33% of cost. Of course this is not true for the Classic tube amps of the 60s. Many of these are now valued at many times their original retail price, once refurbished.  
I should have said, regarding the amps I mentioned, "and there  are other brand/models one can consider".  The Yamaha S801 is one.
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There are a lot of Jolida integrated amps around for less than 1500 bucks, many are newer versions with remotes and plenty of power from 6550s, el34s, etc…and tubes can make you seem like you care…maybe...