Best CD Player for 800-1500 Used

could you guys help me out? i'm kind of confused choosing what CD player i should use, I already got Dynaudio contour 3, Pre-amp is Pass Labs X 2.5, Amplifier is Pass Labs X150 or X250, so which CD player would match up well with my system? thank you much

I'm leaning toward Theta Miles, Classe and NAD S500, which one will fit my system better? thank you guys
I've owned the Theta Miles (superior balanced version) and I currently own the Quad 99CDP. I prefer the sonics of the Quad 99 CDP over the Theta. The Quad is also a current version, so you can buy one new or with low hours. Also, the Quad had 6 digital inputs so you can take advantage of its excellent 24bit/192Khz DAC. The Theta has a 20bit/48Khz DAC.

The Quad does not have that Theta "overbuilt" look, but it is a great value in a CD player. The TAS review is right on. Lastly, the Quad has a truely excellent built-in volume control and an independant non-variable output. This is a great feature allowing you to connect direct to your amp if you choose to have a single source or all digital sourced system.
