Best Christmas music, CD or album on your list ?

Ok, here's my little secret (call it a guilty pleasure) for my favorite Christmas music.

I of course like the classics by Bing and Nat...BUT...there is one album I listen year 'round, even in the heat of summer, because of the magnificent orchestration.

I am not a real fan of country music by the way (although I like everything Mary Chapin Carpenter makes as a singer-songwriter).

I have been listening to a glorious CD by Faith Hill ''JOY TO THE WORLD''. I first stumbled on the music special (Great Performances series) on PBS on a certain night when I woke up at 3am, turned on the TV and, WOW! I just couldn't believe the quality of the music. The best tv concert I ever experienced, Faith Hill is just glowing with incredible class.

I could not find a full DVD of this performance, I guess it is PBS property, so I'm obligated to live with this recording in HD (and the space it takes on my hard drive - on my recording machine.

There is a CD, and it is stunning. And sells for cheap on Amazon. For headphone enthusiasts, there are so many things to like here.

My close second is "Come Darkness Come Light: Twelve Songs of Christmas" by Mary Chapin Carpenter.

How often do you hear ORIGINAL Christmas songs? Carpenter co-authored 6 songs on this collection, and they sound like classics already. Beautiful guitar styling, heart-warming stories, and well you get the idea.

Both albums are the best bargains on Amazon.

How about YOUR preferred holiday-season music?
Mannheim Steamroller's Christmas music and of course, Bing Crosby's as well. To be honest, I am not a big fan of Christmas music. I play it mostly for my wife around the Holidays and when we are both trimming the tree.
Jesse Norman's Christmas CD is just amazing. Great arrangements, great sonics, and well, it's just the best IMO. She captures the "magic" of Christmas like few others I have heard.
Elvis. Carpenters. Beach Boys. Linda Ronstadt. Selected tracks from various other LPs/CDs.

Sorry but as someone who works in New York City, should we limit this discussion to "holiday" music, please?


Just kidding.

We prefer Christmas music a bit earlier (say, Thanksgiving) through New Years Eve. Here are a few new ones from this year's iTunes:

The Christmas Song - James Taylor
The Christmas Song - Pentatonix
Peace - Norah Jones
Let it Snow - Sam Jones

You can also go to Pandora and type "Jazz Holidays" from some great interpretations of the classics...

...and I never tire of Vince Guaraldi's Charlie Brown Christmas music.