Best Cognac

As the title says!

im quite a cognac novice i admit, while i love it (it is my favorite drink) the only cognac i have extensive experience with is Remy Martin XO, which i very much help me select my next bottle!!
Technically, not a pure Cognac, but Grand Marnier (150 year old) is like liquid velvet in your mouth! Same basic taste as the regular Grand Marnier, but the additional aging makes the regular G.M. taste like newly distilled "bathtub gin"! I always preferred the 150 y.o G.M. over Remy Martin XO.
My personal favorite is Normandin-Mercier Napolean, a small family owned producer that's imported into the US by Robert Chadderdon Selections. For brands a bit more widely available I also like Hine Triomphe and Pierre Ferrand Abel. Needless to say I have expensive tastes in Cognac, each of these will run $150-200. Every one of them will wipe the floor with Remy XO and really any of the XO's from the large houses.
Gary - You're so pretentious drinking grappa from a glass. Me an' Slappy just pass the bottle back an' forth.
I second the recommendation of Normandin-Mercier. Excellent stuff. For something more widely available I like Delamain Vesper (or, if you've got the bucks, Tres Venerable).
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