Best combo - integrated amp/ speakers/$8,000

I need to select an integrated amp and small speakers, to replace my MG 3.6r and SS combo I sold due to new space limitations. I'm thinking of valve gear for the first time in my life. But I'm also considering SS stuff. I do not have time to travel and listen to all the options - there are no good dealers locally.

Here are some of the things I've read about and am considering:


VAC Avatar Super

BAT 300x

Music Fidelity Tri Vista 300

Ayre AX7

Naim Nait 5


Harbeth HL compact 7

Reference 3A MM De Capo

Dynaudio Special 25

PSB Platinum M2

Spendor S3/5 (or other Spendor?)

Thanks for your thoughts and recommendations.

How about this:

*Eastern Electric MiniMax Preamp = $1195 retail
*Son of Ampzilla(the new version)Power amp $3250 retail
*VMPS RM30 Floorstanding speakers w/cap upgrade $4050 retail

While this isn't an "integrated amp" it is small, powerful,(over 120wpc)and it can easily be had for well under $8000.

As well, it is a "world class" system performance wise.

I have the same set up but with the 626Rs (with upgrades) in my personal system, and it is too good to describe.
Coda Continuum Unison Ultra integrated powering Tyler Acoustics Linbrook monitors with Ty's custom stands.

If space and budget later permit, you can trade the stands for Ty's Linbrook bass units for true full range (to 30 Hz).
The Unison Ultra at 150W/channel (35W class A) has more than enough reserve for the full Linbrook system.

You can even get the amp configured for 60W/ch ALL class A for use with the Linbrook monitors at the start. The amp's design allows Coda to later reconfigure it to the 150w/ch version, which they offer to do for their customers.

Great sound with flexible, cost-effective upgrade paths for both components. Who could ask for more...
I own the Spendor s3/5s and the Harbeth C7s (as well as my old Spica TC-50.)

As others have said, the Spendor is small so it has bass limitiaons but never a thin sound. I use a smaller Quad 99 and it's mainly used for tv watching in the bedroom, but it never fails to amaze my wife and me.

I have the much bigger Harbeth c7 with Quad 909 amp/99pre. I use a sub (not really needed) ,and listen near field. (Totat cost for this package new, excluding sub, is around 5,000. I've heard Quad 988 and 57 recently and while they of course have thier magical qualities, the Harbeths satsify with a truth of timber and midrage which makes them quite special.

Good luck.
I have a BAT VK 300XSE and love it. Used it with maggies and recently switched to a pair of Wilson Benesch ARC speakers and continue to utilize my REL Storm III subwoofer. They are tiny speakers, bottom ported and carbon fibre enclosures that eliminate boxiness. I bought them because I like the sound much better than my Maggies (i always seemed to have to end a listening session with female vocals) . They are lightening quick, very accurate and dynamic with the best soundstaging I have heard in my listening room, with the exception of that 1 square millimeter of sweet spot perfection with maggies.
In a past system I had the Rowland Concentra (original) with a pair of Tyler Acoustics Linnbrook monitors. I think you would have a very hard time beating this system - especially at the price of about 5k (Used) or 6k (new speakers, used amp). BTW, "past system" doesn't mean I traded in, just upgraded the speakers and amp power (but with McIntosh). The Rowland was pure magic though.