Best Component Ever, for the money

The other thread with this title was corrupted in its inception. Let's do this one with NO cables, power cords, isolation devices or tweaks. My vote goes to the Connoisseur turntable (integrated with arm). I don't have it anymore and you shouldn't be able to find one for sale. High end perspective for $150.
*2nd vote for Supratek Chardonnay (preamp)
*Lenco with Denon 103-R (Turntable, Cartridge)
*Trends Audio 10.1 and Little Dot T 150 (Digital amps)
*Cyber 800 (Power amp - tube), beats many at twice the $$$$
*Citypulse DA2.03e II w/USB Input($450 DAC), TubeDac+ with upgraded power supply (Tube DAC).
I still say those old tuners, that cost only 2 cents a day and work for 30+ years "define" value in the high end.
Interesting you should say that. I also found that the Ming Da has potential. However I found it a bit noisy. What tubes did you use it with? Please enlighten us, because I think the basic design is very good.
Detlof, has potential is an understatement. Bart has put a lot of time, energy and money into this pre amp and I can tell just in the short time I have had it that Bart's pre is on another planet from where ours will be until we hunt down the tubes that really belong in it. It is worth investing in the best tubes. I am just scratching the surface with this pre and the performance has changed dramatically. It will be very easy to spend over a grand on the right tubes which I definetely plan on doing. Once you start you can't stop! Could very easily be the best component for the money. If not, then it has to be way up there.
Isotek Titan... really makes everything sounds so right...! Far exceeded my expectations!!!