Best Country/Rock - Poll

I recently started picking up more and more music I would loosely describe as "country/rock". A couple of recent purchases (namely Jackson Brown "Solo Acoustic", and Gene Clarke & Carla Olson "So Rebelious a Lover") caused me to look for a "Best Country/Rock" thread for more ideas. I couldn't find one, so I'm starting one here.

General guidelines
1) Don't hang up on what is country rock. If you think it is, ok.
2) Identify particularly well recorded , but don't leave anything off if it's good.
3) No limit or minimum - name your favorites.

Here are some of my my favorites in no particular order:
(* = excellent recording)

Gene Clark: "No Other" * and "White Lightening" *
Gene Clarke @ Carla Olson "So Rebelious a Lover"
Jackson Brown "Solo Acoustic" *
Willie Nelson "Stardust" SACD *
Neil Young "Prairie Wind" *
Cowboy Junkies - most all of their stuff, but especially "One Soul Now" , "Lay it Down" , "Mile From Our Home". "Trinity Sessions" *
Austin’s amazing, Tostado. Last time I was there, my pal and I stopped in at a neighborhood bar for a beer, and Redd Volkaert, Merle Haggard’s guitarist, mosied up on stage and starting playing. Only in Austin!
bdp24, yes, we get spoiled here.  Redd is guitarist in Heybale.  He tears it up no matter who he's playing with.  Until recently we had (lap steel guitarist) Cindy Cashdollar living here and they sometimes appeared together.  Add in Hot Club of Cowtown, Junior Brown, mandolinist Paul Glasse, pianist Floyd Domino and so many others and it makes for quite a feast for the locals to partake of.  Oh, and we've got Bill Kirchen living here again.  He and Redd make an impressive Tele-duo.  This makes me realize I need to get out and hear more live music. 

My second trip to Austin was courtesy of Junior Brown. I went to his show in L.A., and MCA had a lottery from the ticket stub numbers. My ticket had the winning number (and I hadn't even paid for the ticket!), so I got an all-expense paid---air fare, car rental, room at The Driscoll---3-day trip to Austin for two. Thanks MCA (and Jr !). Too bad Brian Ding hadn't yet started Rythmik Audio there yet.  
I saw the Ozark Mountain Daredevils at a high school football field in Ozark in the early 90's. Several member's families were there. They hung around and talked after the show, very nice people, great vibe!

They qualify to me.
Also, David Allen Cole was great to see. I strategically bought some pitchers for tables near me just in case.

The old saying is 'I was at a fight and a DAC concert broke out.'