Best Dark Sounding Amp For Bright Speakers?

What is the best amp to drive Infinity Kappa 8.1"s. I have a VTL TL- 2.5 preamp driving a SS amp but the sound is still bright. Thanks for any input.
Uh-oh... just to clarify things, my comment to "Bob" was aimed at "Rcrump" aka "Bob" regarding the story about the Wilson's that he later filled in. I hope that Bob Bundus did not take this the wrong way. I do agree that some softer sounding Mosfet stuff does work well with brighter speakers though, so i guess my comment could have gone both ways. I guess i need to watch my P's and Q's and clarify which "Bob" i'm talking to in the future. At least this time, no harm was done : ) Sean
Well this isn't the first time that I've confused between the two of us; probably not the last either...
So you chose the socks over mosfet's?
Oh man I've just gotta see this for myself; I'll be over tomorrow if not sooner ;-)
That's just gotta be cheaper than some of my tweaks; I only used a $500 set of Nordost titanium Pulsar points to help tame my digital - & that's not to mention the Zoethecus shelf, & mega$ cables - yikes!
If you're inclined to spend lots of money I'm sure Nordost could make some audiophile socks. I used to think socks are just socks, but then I discovered cryogenically treated pure silver socks, and after a month of burn in the sound ...... etc etc.