Best electronics for Thiel CS3.6 ?

What, in your opinion , are the best preamp/amp combinations for driving the 3.6s for under $5000 the pair new or used. I'm upgrading. There's a lot of stuff out there I have not heard (recent Audio Research stuff for example). I'm hoping to create a short list based on your input! Thanks in advance. I'm currently looking at Audible Illusions 3A and Bryston 4B-SST. I listen to LPs regularly so line stages will nmot do w/o a phono reccomendation too.
Remember the Thiel CS3.6 will only sing with enough juice, if you don't give it enough power then you'll run into the problem of sounding bright or edgy. No matter what don't skimp on the amp it will make or break your system with the CS3.6

I am running Thiel 3.6's with a CJ MF2500A and a CJ Premier 16ls II pre-amp. I find the combination extremely revealing and detailed with a soundstage the is both wide and deep.

I have used a CJ 17ls in the past and found that to be a very good combination as well.

Get the Gamut monoblocks for sale here. You rarely see these and they are powerful and tube like.
Two key elements must be present: 1)high current capability in the output stage to avoid midbass sluggishness (big torroids and large banks of capacitance) and 2) Tubes in the input stage or the preamp to bring out the soundstaging and liquidity that the CS 3.6 is capable of. Of course you know to keep them at least 3 feet from back and side walls and use sound anchors or points. I am currently using a LLano 200 amp which uses tubes in the input and has two 1.25kva torroids with hexfets in the output stage with excellent results.