Best Guitar CD Recording

I have only Leo Kottke's, "One Guitar No Vocals." I need more well recorded guitar discs. It could be blues, classical, blue grass, or surprise. Any ideas?
Beware: These recommendations are based on performance and not on sound quality. The problem here is if you are not into vinyl it would be hard for me to say what the CD's would glean as I don't posses them. Sorry.

A great acoustic rock performance was Alice in chains -Jar of flies

Most Ry Cooder albums including -Paradise and Lunch, Mambo Sinuendo, A Meeting by the River, & Buena Vista Social Club.

Most Richard Thomson records including -The Old Kit Bag.

Pentangle -Sweet Child, Basket of Light, & Cruel Sister.

Most Micheal Hedges records including -Aerial Boundaries.

Jimi Hendrix - Axis: Bold as Love, etc...

Neil Young & Crazy Horse including -Ragged Glory

Happy Listening!
For something different, try Guitar Workshop, Volume One, on the British Transatlantic/Castle label (CD and LP). This is a British analog recording from 1972/73 and has the best guitar sound I've ever heard. It's also a lot of fun and offers great variety, featuring nine guitarists playing quite different-sounding pieces on a variety of different-sounding guitars (all acoustic). A classic recording. (Unfortunately, Volume Two isn't as good.)
I think you'd really enjoy Alex de Grassi. He's a Windham Hill guitarist, and you're welcome to hear a disc I have of his. The recording is outstanding, and the music has that signature Windham Hill sound.
Thanks Boa, now that the Holiday madness is over I can make time for audio interests.