Best High Efficiency Speakers for full bass tone

Any thoughts on a pair of high efficiency speakers to use with vintage tube amp/analog set up/ in a room that is 32' deep by 20' wide to get full bass tone?

Right now I have a pair of Klipsch Forte II that just don't deliver on the low end as well as they do in a smaller room.
Smaller room they sound fantastic.

What really works in these bigger rooms? Looking for something with better bass detail than a pair of extra subs rumbling 60 hz and under.
Price range?
My Zu Definition 4's will pump out about as much bass you'll ever need and the high efficiency should fill that room just fine.

K horns down to 20 Hz? I had those speakers for over 20 years and always struggled to get any good deep bass out of them. Ended up with a Velodyne sub which did the trick. Oh well, maybe I had them set up wrong.
Anything from Avantgarde - EQ'd, active subs provide full-range extension and >100dB sensitivity (up to 109dB, depending on model) and will fill a big room with modest tube power. Some very reasonably priced pairs of Unos and Duos on the 'Gon now.
Dear Astralography: ++++ " full bass tone.....better bass detail .... " ++++

two desired bass management characteristics that are really dificult to achieve.

Good audio system/room bass management IMHO means: accurate neutrality, more easy to write than to achieve.

Please read carefully this link that could help you in what you are looking for: