Best High Efficiency Speakers for full bass tone

Any thoughts on a pair of high efficiency speakers to use with vintage tube amp/analog set up/ in a room that is 32' deep by 20' wide to get full bass tone?

Right now I have a pair of Klipsch Forte II that just don't deliver on the low end as well as they do in a smaller room.
Smaller room they sound fantastic.

What really works in these bigger rooms? Looking for something with better bass detail than a pair of extra subs rumbling 60 hz and under.
K-Horns if you have the corners. If not, KLF-30's (if you can find them) are great. I use them as fronts in my HT in a very large room but they do a fine job for 2 channel with an upscale amp.
I used to live in a loft apt, the area where my speakers were was about 1100 sq ft with high ceilings. My DeVore Gibbon 8's (the original series not the super) had tons of bass. I did use placement and the concrete floor/wall to my advantage. Building material of the internal surfaces plays a big part.
Tannoy prestige line
the higher up the $$ food chain you go, the more effecient the speaker.

READ THE REVIEW: the top two: TANNOY KINGDOM ROYALS AND WESTMINSTER SEs in Positive Feedback review issue #64

I've heard them and also many of the lower models in the PRESTIGE line ... in a word for all : STUNNING.
["Looking for something with better bass detail than a pair of extra subs rumbling 60 hz and under."]

I have a pair of Velodyne DD12+ that are extremely detailed, in fact I can't even tell if they're turned on until I turn them off. Or, with the push of a button on their remote, they can thump a kick drum to live levels and beyond all the live long day.

I'm guessing you need to hear a modern subwoofer system properly set up. But hey, good luck with your search.
I have a lot of speakers as I am somewhat of a collector. Currently have Klipschorns, Jbl L200's, Altec VOTT, JBL L220's and as good as they are none comes close to the quality and quanity of bass that my Westminster Royals have. They are very expensive and should give something special at the price. Well they do, top to bottom the most pleasing speakers I have ever owned.