Best inexpensive integrated for PSB Gold speakers.

I just bought a pair of PSB Gold speaker for a system where I currently have a NAD 317 that puts out 80 watts a channel. I love the 317 it has been a wonderful amp with plenty of power in the past, but I would like to get something with more power/current. I have heard great things about the NAD 370 with 120 watts. Anyone have any suggestions on what these speakers need or a decent integrated that I should look at besides the 370? The 370 has some great reviews but I'm not sure it has the power. Thank you for your time and feedback. All opinions appreciated.
Both Bomarc and Trelja offer good advice. To expand on Bomarc's comments, bear in mind that doubling the amplifier power only results in a 3db increase in SPL, which is not a major increase in volume. If 80 wpc isn't enough for your PSB Golds, you should be thinking in terms of a 300 wpc power amp. But power isn't the only issue: quality is the other factor. The PSB Golds are pretty damn good speakers, although they are inefficient (their published efficiency rating is incorrect), and they deserve to be powered by a high quality preamp/power amp combo.
A NAD 218THX will work well with those speakers if you are on a tight budget. You can use the 317 as a preamp.
I have been extremely impressed with the Nad 370. I am using the 370 to drive the new Audio Physic Virgo 3's ($5500) and have been astounded by this amp. I bought it to tide me over until the new Bel Canto eVo integrated comes out later this month ($3200). I have been using it with a modified 9000es with a lot of SACD's the resolution power and control of this amp is amazing. In the latest Stereophile the measurements show it at 178W per Channel at 8ohms. If you need more power you can biamp with the NAD 270 power amp giving you 300W per channel The 270 can be had for a street price of around $500 and has the 370 for $549 unbelievable.
For an inexpensive powerful integrated this is hands down the way to go ! This new Nad is so much better than the 317 and other previous Nad gear I have heard including pre-pow combos
Chelillingworth, have you had the chance to compare the NAD to similarly priced Rotel RB 1070(120W) or 1080(200W)? Reason I am asking is I'm in market for an inexpensive SS myself. I have been impressed w/ the Rotel but have not listened to the new NAD.

I remain,
No I haven't I have been using Rogue Audio Madnum gear but sold it off because I needed some that I could leave on all the time and wouldn't create so much heat and for that I am waiting for the Bel Canto eVo integrated. I got a good deal on the NAD and am using to fill the time before the evo is released. I am just stunned out how good it is, I haven't done dircet comparisons and I know rotel makes good stuff but I don't think anyone can touch the 370 at this price, I paid $550 ym Satori speaker cables are $600 this is nuts !