Best integrated ever made ?

I heard the new Audio Analogue Maestro Integrated yesterday morning at a local dealer. I bought it yesterday evening, and i am currently selling all my audio gear...

Im curious to know what others who have heard it think of it and its future. The press here in France is saying its going to eat up the competition and cause a major stir in the industry.

As its been out for about two months and i havent seen anything on the internet about it, i was kinda curious.

I stumbled upon the Lagardin IT review over here :
I definitely concur with Mcpl ... the Twin Towers is one of the best pieces of audio gear I have heard. I owned one a few years back and had to sell it for financial reasons. Ever since that day I have been searching for a component that would connect with me as emotionally as the Pathos. I tried Sim's, various SET's, the Gaincard, etc. All were excellent in their own right but did not give me the same experience as the Twin Towers. As my finances again improved I recently re-purchased a Twin Towers. Everything I remembered about this unit was back in spades and (hopefully) I will never have to look back. It is an exceptional piece of gear.
the OTL Tenor 75Wi monoblocks are the best amps i have yet heard, integrated or not. each amp has a passive volume control. they can be used in direct mode, bypassing the volume control or integrated mode.

recently i compared a few different amps including the levinson #33, the halcro dm58, the red rose amp 1, and the atmasphere ma2 mkII.2. all great amps. i was using my levinson #32 preamp. the atmasphere was the best. the OTL design combined the best of ss and tubes. extended at both frequency extremes and pure in the mid-range. the quickest and most resolving amp i had heard.

then i tried the Tenor. WOW!!

a whole new level of clarity and musicality. the proverbial vails were lifted. if there is a better integrated than the Tenor 75Wi i would love to hear it. i compared the Tenor in integrated mode with the Tenor and the atmasphere thru the preamp. i still preferred the Tenor thru the preamp but neither compared with the Tenor in integrated mode.

if you get a chance to try the Tenor i think you will agree.

a link to the glowing French reviews would be nice. some of us DO understnd French.

I have been thinking of going to an integrated amp. Has anybody here and heard the Cary sli80? How does it compare to some of the others mentioned here?