Best Integrated, period.

Has anyone compared, Gryphon Diablo, Gamut Di150, Vitus SS101, Krell FBI, APL UA-S1 Jeff Rowland Continuum 500? Please add what you found to be best integrated.
How about the Unico 200? Is it in the same league as these others?

Also, how about any of the larger Musical Fidelity integrateds?
Berning ZH270. It may not be what you expect, with a volume pot and two line in,but it is something to have heard. I own the Accuphase E550, which I consider wonderful, and on a par with the Einstein "the absolute tune", Pathos TT - the Berning is something alltogether different.
good luck
I did an extensive comparison of the Gryphon Diablo and the Gamut DI150.
The Gryphon is an excellent amp, but there was no question in my mind that the Gamut was clearly superior, and I bought it.
The Gryphon seemed to have slightly more bass weight and was slightly richer, but also a little more congested, cloudy, or confused, especially when many instruments came together. The Gryphon also had slight hardness to some higher frequency female voices and some of the bass notes.
The Gamut was immediately much more open and spacious with lots of air between the instruments, and a much more 3D soundstage. Great depth and width! The voices and instruments themselves sounded cleaner and more accoustic to me, as if someone cleaned the window you are looking through, but also a slightly leaner sound throughout. To me the Gamut had less bass, but the bass was more musical and cleaner.
Since owning and running it in fully, I have found the slightly lean sound is gone, with the right choice of cables.
Egidius, thanks for the tip, I didnt know that one, Berning seems to make nice amps, however this one doesnt seem to be easy to find.
thats the kind of response I was looking for when this thread was initiated, I too was under the impression the Gamut was a very nice amp, also Jvalin recommended it together with Magico Minis, and maybe slightly better than the Gryphon. Its a bit cheaper as well.