best preamp under 4000 to match 4b sst

Ok, i have just bought a Bryston 4b sst after getting a good deal at my dealer. I had started a thread earlier this week and i was told to get my amp first. So thats what i did. So now im looking for a great preamp to match up My 4b sst. I was suggest a simaudio p5.3. Any other suggestions?
12-29-08: Mrjstark
Dodd keeps value...

Prices during the past year have continued to drop from the primary Dodd
dealer on Audiogon. I can remember when the "discounted" price was over
$3000 (before Dodd lowered the retail price).

I'd look to pay no more than $1650 for a pristine used unit with box and
manual, and I can easily see this figure at $1500 by March...but that's my
perspective and others may see value at a higher price.
Prices during the past year have continued to drop from the primary Dodd dealer.
G.Dodd regulates the prices as he sees fit. Since the direct sells were chosen over the dealer's network, price was adjusted to pass on the savings to the customers. $1795 is the lowest I have seen it sell for. For instance, I sold my Dodd for around $1950 few months back. It was gone in few days but it was very mint piece - few months old.
If you can get it for $1650 - power to you but it is an awesome pre regardless of price IMHO.

12-29-08: Mrjstark

G.Dodd regulates the prices as he sees fit.

Which is exactly why any judgment of value is temporal with Dodd equipment.

I can recall a couple years ago when $5500 Dodd amps were selling for under
$2000 on the used market (a screaming value at that price).

I'm not arguing the quality of the components, but I the price history I have
watched over the past few years does not support the value retention
argument, IMO.

The only certain indicator of value is the present market. Anything sold a few
months back...especially prior to ancient history.
I agree that the market isn't what it used to be.
It is the buyer's market now and the best time to score on some really nice deals which were unheard of few months back (if you are in that position).

No argument on this matter.

Ok well now im in a pickle, just talked to a dealer in Toronto canada and he will match the americain price for the red wine isabella. The dodd audio wud now cost me about 500 less then the isabella once you take in the exchange of our money into americain dollars. Isabella is starting to get really interesting.