Best Remote $1,250 used preamp?

I need a new preamp, and refuse to give up full function remote control (volume and source selection). I have a budget of around $1k, but could go to $1250 for the right deal. What are the best options? I am thinking:

Conrad Johnson PFR
Bell Canto
Sonic Frontiers Line 1

I have a Sonograph amp now, but it is next on the upgrade list. Have Golden Tube SEP2 now for the pre.

Hi Paul; The Sonic Frontiers Line 1 is an excellent pre-amp with all the functions you could want on the "way cool" remote-- and besides that it also sounds great. I have both a Line 2 SE and a standard Line 1, and can highly recommend either. While my Line 2 was in being up-graded to SE, I used the Line 1 in my main stereo system for 5-6 weeks, and barely noticed the change. Good Hunting. Craig
It seems that you are looking a tube preamplifier, but if you decide for a solid state non balanced preamplifier, I may suggest the McCormack RLD-1. I bought mine used for $1,100.00(shipping included). Yes, remote control is a blessing for lazy audiophiles like me.

For that money, Rogue, Blue Circle and Placette could be found here at AudioGon for under $1,250.00.

Just my .02cents.

I've got a Bat vk 20 and I am completely satisfied. If you shop you can find one on the net tnat will fall into your budget. It sounds great and works well with a wide variety of amplifiers. The Conrad Johnson PFR will also work well for you especially with the Sonograph amp.
You may also consider the Adcom GFP 750. It has balanced and single ended I/O, sounds not at all in passive mode, and comes with a unique remote. Nelson Pass design, I've seen em for <$900 on Audiogon.