Best rock bass player

Today is the 11th anniversary of John Entwistle's death. I had the pleasure of seeing him play live a few times and was always impressed by his musicality and ability to keep up with Keith Moon- much less lay a foundation for Pete Townshend. I also have always enjoyed Chris Squire, Stanley Clarke, and Flea for similar reasons. Who are some of your favorites?
Jack Cassidy and Phil Lesh took the rock bass guitar where it never had gone before. Fat humbucking pick-ups on their Guild Starfires was the foundation of the San Francisco sound.
Who ever played bass on Funkadelic's One Nation Under a Groove deserves mention here as we'll.
Who ever played bass on Funkadelic's One Nation Under a Groove deserves mention here as we'll.

I believe that's Bootsy, Baby! (Collins)
I was thinking of the second track, Groovallegiance. The bass player is either Rodney skeet Curtis or Cordell boogie Mosson. Bootsy Collins style was not as harmonic as this bass solo suggests. Anyone who loves the bass owes it to themselves to check out this track as well as Mann's Fate on Hot Tuna's first album. Two of my favorite go to songs as far as the electric bass guitar is concerned.