Best Rock Drummers

I've seen most of them and by far the two that stand out are Neil Peart of Rush and Ceasar Z. of Golden Earring. For non-rock I would say it's a no brainer with Buddy Rich.
>>please listen to "Live and Leeds"<<
Complete chaos and lovely to hear. Also Who's Next. It may be difficult to focus on his drumming there because of the superb guitar and bass work but if you concentrate strictly on Moon, it's arguably his best album with Quadrophenia close behind.
Ohhhhh Quadrophenia. Damn he drummed like the four horsemen of the apocalypse on that album. Absolutely and utterly brilliant from the first snap of the snare to the last shimmer of his cymbals. Again, if this is strictly about Rock drummers, then Moon was and still is to my mind, unsurpassed.
Ginger Baker ripped off, almost note for note, his famed drum solo "Toad" from of Art Blakey to the point where I'm embarrassed for him every time I listen to the song. I know many British artists did this and garnered incredible reputations for biting off blues and jazz riffs, but Baker straight-up stole his most defining recorded musical moment from an artist who did it better than he did.

I don't remember the song, but I remember vividly listening to an obscure jazz program on the radio, and as I was nodding off, I heard a Blakey solo that sounded EXACTLY like "Toad" except it was faster with much more power and precision.

Aside from the couple of years he played with Cream and Blind Faith, his influence in rock is vastly overrated.

Neil Peart-yes, but there would be no Peart without Carl Palmer and Keith Moon.

Bonham I give credit for laying it down HARD-he put the "Led" in Led Zeppelin.

The above-mentioned and Stewart Copeland round out my list.