Best Small Speakers

I am moving into a condo and wanted to get the groups opinion on which speakers you would recommend for small speakers that need a sub. I am thinking about Athena micros, Mirage omnisats, or something similiar. I would like to either mount them on the wall or on stands, walls preffered. Let me know what you guys think. Cost is really not that important.


Good point about not wall-mounting rear-ported ProAc's. It just isn't going to work well. How about the Magnepan wall-mount models available only through their website? A friend of mine is considering these.
Spendor makes some speakers based on the 3/5 designed specifically for mounting directly on the wall; ie, no clearance behind the speaker and the wall. They are out of the budget; B & W makes some very nice wall mount speakers that are very shallow. Again, out of the budget at something like 3 large per pair.