Best speaker in the $4-6k range.

I am trying to find a speaker that will work well with my KRELL components. I am currently using a pair of B&W N-803's and they tend to be a bit fatiguing at times.

Essentially, what I would like to find is a pair capable of handeling high spl's (much like my previous N-802s), but, with a more liquid upper midrange and sweeter less glaring highs. Used is Okay.

My room is 14'6' by 22' and is open to the dinning room kitchen area on one side with 8'cellings.

By any chance Dynaudio Contour 3.3s or Talon Audio Korus meet my criteria?

Thanks in advance,


I use the krell 2250 amp with gershman rx 20's, it is a great match, detailed but very smooth,also very natural and tight bass, I have also used krell with aerial 8B's which is also a great match, beware of krell bashers, as soon as they hear the word krell they have to respond, I have tried other other amps, but have always returned to krell, good luck
Shahinian Obelisk- non fatiguing, deep bass, can play loud and sounds like real music. Haven't heard the Aerials but suspect they would be good. If you didn't need high spl's I would have said Quad 988's. They blow the B&W's away.
What Krell electronics are you using?

Dynaudio is a very nice match with Krell. I haven't heard the new Contour series (just released), but have the 3.0's paired with an FPB-200c in my system. Your room is just a hair bigger than mine and has an open wall, so you might prefer the 3.3's. You might also look at a pair of the 25th Anniversary SE monitors - they're about $5500 with the stands and are outstanding.
Kthomas, I am running a KCT and a KAV 250p. I am also using a Marantz SA-14 for my front end.
I hate to say, I recently bought a pair of Krell 350M's to push the Nautilus 801's I have. VERY bad combo, the B&W's actually sound quite bad. I kept the amps in line, swaped out to the Energy Veritas 1.8s, and big difference, a nice improvement. Now, I am still not mad about the Krell amps!
I am using a Cal Audio MCA-2500 which is phenomenal in 2 channel for a 5 channel amp!! I am selling the 350M's and am going to try the McIntosh MC-1000's. If they don't do the trick, away they go, away the 801's go, and back to ole' faithful, the MCA-2500 with the Veritas 1.8s!

Stehno is right, Aerial 10Ts, Energy Veritas 2.8 (or 1.8) are the best speaker, IMO, shy of the Dunlavy SC-IV.
