Best speaker with tubes?

I am looking for new speakers to use with my Cary V12 tube amp. I run it in 50 watt triode mode. I want a speaker that has great detail with the highs, but can go low when I want to rock the house. I have auditioned Revel, B&W, Thiel, Martin Logan, Wilson and Dynaudio. I am leaning towards the Dynaudio Contour 3.3, but know that I will have to replace the V12 with a much higher powered amp. Please offer your suggestions of speakers I should consider for use with my V12. I am looking to spend less than $10,000.

I'm with Philefreak. Try the Silverline Sonata. Works well with tubes. A great speaker with excellent imaging, superb mids and highs and will accurately produce all the bass you feed it. Silverline uses a 7 watt tube amp to demo these speakers. BTW they also sound excellent with solid state. I think I'll go listen to mine now.
I've also found Meadowlark and Cary to be a really fine combo, but would have trouble recomending them over some of the suggestions above, such as Kharma. I note you mentioned Thiel and, though I like Thiel enough to own some, it would likely take a bit more then 50wpc to make them go.
Regarding the Cary and Medowlark combo I heard (heard it only once in a showroom) they were playing the Herons with some Cary monoblocks (sorry, don't recall what) and the CJ Art preamp. It was, and remains, out of my league, so I didn't bother to pin down all of the details. It sure did sound nice, though.