Best speaker with tubes?

I am looking for new speakers to use with my Cary V12 tube amp. I run it in 50 watt triode mode. I want a speaker that has great detail with the highs, but can go low when I want to rock the house. I have auditioned Revel, B&W, Thiel, Martin Logan, Wilson and Dynaudio. I am leaning towards the Dynaudio Contour 3.3, but know that I will have to replace the V12 with a much higher powered amp. Please offer your suggestions of speakers I should consider for use with my V12. I am looking to spend less than $10,000.

I've also found Meadowlark and Cary to be a really fine combo, but would have trouble recomending them over some of the suggestions above, such as Kharma. I note you mentioned Thiel and, though I like Thiel enough to own some, it would likely take a bit more then 50wpc to make them go.
Regarding the Cary and Medowlark combo I heard (heard it only once in a showroom) they were playing the Herons with some Cary monoblocks (sorry, don't recall what) and the CJ Art preamp. It was, and remains, out of my league, so I didn't bother to pin down all of the details. It sure did sound nice, though.
Take this advise and do with it what you may. Any tube amp will do better driving a speaker with even impedience and prefer a 8 ohms and above. The new quads will work well. Spendors will work very well---I bought a pair of SP100's on a audition of a SET 2A3 powered amp and it was great within its power. Some of the other suggestions would probably work well also. I sold my OTLS and now am buying Maggie's to satisfy my lust for dipoles since the Quads did not cut it with my Rowland integrated. I am selling a six month old pair of Rosewood SP100 Spendors if interested---See then in the speaker section. Walt