Best Speakers for 2channel Music

What are some good companys to look into for 2 channel music only? Looking for a live sound and a full sounstage. Not too bright. Smooth and punchy mids and lows.

Budget is $800. Will go used.
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Using a receiver may require you to look at easy to drive speakers . Receivers generally do not have much power . Their stated wattage listings are dubious at best .
Try to find something in the 90db. range .
I had some nice 88db. speakers on a receiver . When I moved to seperates , it was as if I had taken a blanket off of my speakers !

Good luck .
Ascend Acoustics speakers are said to go well with HK electronics, AA used to sell HK on their website, maybe still do. Look into their CBM-170's. Very nice and well below your budget. Good luck.
PSB - For $800 or so - I am not affliated with DMC electronics, but if you go to their site you can get new speakers at great prices - supposedly have minor blemish - I bought from them and am still looking for the blemish - very good speakers for the money
You might take a look at era Design 4 or 5. I am using a pair of Design 4s with a REL sub for 2 channel music and quite happy with the results.
I briefly drove my era Design 4s with an HK 3480 while waiting for my A5 integrated to arrive. The HK did an admirable job with these relatively inefficient speakers.