Best speakers for $3000

I'm looking to purchase a pair of towers 
I listen to mostly r&b soul rap and blurs/jazz I have a emotiva xpa 200 to power them 
One problem with the LX521 is that it requires six channels of amplification---three stereo power amps. That nullifies it's low price.
Russ, how can you honestly make that statement.  Sorry, but first off maybe for YOU it's the best, but have you ever heard Vandersteen 7 mkII?  Have you heard the larger speakers from nearly anyone?  Sorry, but there is no way that statement is true.  I'd put my Treo's up against them any day of the week.  
I tried to edit, but was too late.  I'm sure that you will chose your speakers over anything else, but my point is that if 10 people can chose their favorite speaker and then yours, I bet all 10 will chose their favorite speakers.  Subjective, that's all.