Best Speakers for small room under $3.5k

I have a small room (about 10 feet by 18feet), and want to optimize my listening environment. Speakers may be the next upgrade, but not sure what to get. My current system is Bel Canto Dac 1 & Arcam 7 as transport (also use DV525 as transport sometimes), Bryston 3b-st amp, Bryston BP20 Preamp, B&W Nautilus 805 speakers, PS300 powerplant. Please let me know if you have any suggestions on good speakers that will match my room - they could be monitors or floorstanders with a relatively small footprint. Thanks!
Why do you need to upgrade??? You have a great pair of speakers now! Yeah, you can get different sound, but better? Assuming the B & W's are fed enough current(which your Bryston 3b-st is DEFINITELY doing), they make wonderful music. Just like in your thread about your disappointment in the new DAC, I think you will feel a lot of regret in the end. That being said, speakers I like(in addition to B & W) are Coincident, PSB, Soliloquy, Triangle, and Vandersteen. But, I can't say any of them will make you happier(unless you are looking for a speaker with more bass).
Outliar. What is it about the sound that you would like to improve or change? I agree with Trelja, you have a very nice set of speakers. You may also want to be certain that you have exhausted your placement options before you switch to something else. Moving a speaker an inch or so can make a dramatic difference in the total sound. That's why I used the word "exhausted" - it is exhausting to fine tune a set of speakers. I recently auditined the Solioquy line and found them to be to my liking and hope to take a listen to the small Coincident Triumph Sig. Have you considered adding a powered sub or home auditioning another amp/preamp or integrated (like the plinius)? These options would be well within your budget and would deifinatly give you a different sound.
Before you upgrade components are you using interconnects and speaker cable that are up the the level of your existing components ??? If not, then upgrade your cables first, you will be surprised with the results. Also consider a good AC power conditioner if you do not already have one.