Best speakers in 2k-3k price point

Looking for speakers in this price range that would match up with Rogue Audio 99 preamp and 120 monoblocks. I like all kinds of music. I tend to shy away from certain metal dome tweets. I don't like a soundstage that is in your face. I like the music to sound good at low levels to moderately high. Monitors or fullrange would be considered. I use a Sony SCD-777es for my source. Thanks to all of you for your help. Ginny.
Duke, nice post and glad to see that you've joined the "I just wrote a novel" club : )

As to the Shahinian's, i think that you need an amp with great speed and control on the bottom end to get the best out of them. Otherwise, they can come across as a little slow and heavy sounding. Other than that, they are a great speaker when properly matched with corresponding electronics and cabling. Sean
Hi Sean, yeah I wanna be the next Bob Harley. Ha! Hey, when you bringin' your dumptruck over to haul away all those junk speakers I mentioned over on the "top ten" thread??
Mark O'Brien of Rogue has always used Audio Physic Virgo's with the same setup with great success.
Check out the line of hybrid ribbon speakers by Newform Research. Not necessarily pretty but in reality better looking than the website photos indicate. I bought the R645's for $2250 delivered to my door. It's one of those companies where you can talk to the owner/designer on the phone. I love the speakers but then I'm one of those people who likes ribbon drivers over cones for mids and hi's. I'm also reading a lot of good things about VMPS.