Best speakers under $500? Fire away!

Looking for suggestions for budget speakers under $500.  Can be floor or bookshelf.  
Let's hear the suggestions for the experts out there!

Thank you
The new Wharfedale D320 is a killer speaker at $299 it is the budget Diamond since the 11 series moved up in price, in fact the new d320 was designed to dominate these speakers in this pricerange just look at the build and the drivers.In the budget market under $500 always look for the companies who have treated this pricerange like it's a high-end design. Wharfedale created this category, they are a totally vertically alligned company they build their own "Everything" its less than 10 speaker companies in the world that has this kind of power and knowledge.Even the 11.1 is only $499, Q Acoustics is another the 3020i is killer and winning all kind of awards right now, and in it's last days the Concept 20 until it's "i" replacement comes out is $399 and they are even more impressive on the Concept stands. For North America Paradigm and Psb has upped the anti on their 2 budget legends the Paradigm Monitor Atom See and PSB Alpha p5 $298 and $349 respectively, and the Kef q150 is on sale for $299 a killer deal, for the guy that said you can't get great speakers under $500 that's completely untrue....this is the golden age for budget audio and especially for budget truth the Brits have made musical lil budget boxes for decades....