Best system used for $10,000 for classical music

I am trying to put together a system for $10,000 used, for classical music. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance...
ohms.....magnum dynalab receiver(grunt and still lots of great classical radio out there....a dual 405 or 505(the miracle of semi auto)....any decent cd player......the whole shibang under 10k new, and no merry-go-round.
DeVore Super 8s -- $4K
Naim 5i -- $2500
Naim Nait 5 Integrated - $1.5
Cables/Speaker Wire - $500 - $700
If need be the balence could be spent on an entry turntable (or sales tax)

Just an idea....John
Nothing beats electrostatics if you can place them properly (distance from front wall), so my suggestion would be

Quad 988 -- $4k
Pass Aleph 30 (or Aleph J) -- $1k
Modwright Modified Transporter -- $4k (new)
Cheap Oppo 980H CD player (for SACD and cases where the music isn't on the computer yet) -- $169
Computer for all the music in uncompressed format -- $1k

You can adjust your budget by stepping up in price to 2805s (around $6k) or down to 63s ($2k). The convenience of computer Audio is just too much to give up and the sound is very good too. This is pretty similar to what I use (Quad 2805 and iMac+Benchmark DAC1 as the computer solution). Many people use tubes amps with Quad (I have one too), but I prefer the Pass.

You didn't mention turntable so I assume that you don't have a lot of records. You should allocate some budget for that if this assumption is incorrect, but I don't think it is worthwhile to step into vinyl from scratch at this time.