best transparent pre amp

looking for a pre amp that will allow an excellent source to shine through unobstructed. Neither add or detract from the signal provided.

Will be mated with SS amp.
Extremely transparent pre-amp: Esoteric C02; very happy with this preamp in my system as it gives that transparency, top to bottom frequency accuracy, sound-staging, etc...and so much more. I believe there is one up here selling used from someone else as of at least this past Friday/Saturday....
I just purchased a Simaudio 740P preamp to drive my Pass X250.8 and it is very transparent.

I'm more impressed though with the separation and depth between the instruments. I was not really ready for the latter and it is amazing how live the music now sounds. I've had a Berkeley Alpha II DAC and tried that directly into my amp, but I still prefer the sound I have now with the preamp in the chain. In absolute terms I don't find the high price for the preamp worth it, but in audiophile terms based on what I've spent for the rest of my system, the preamp was definitely worth it.

I've also tried Wyred STPSE, Pass XP10, Hegel P20, and Mystere preamps in my system. I could definitely hear differences between them all; the Wyred and Hegel were excellent for their MSRP.

Good Luck in your search.
VTL 7.5 iii. Breathtakingly clear and natural sounding. Like a pure mountain spring in sunlight.

I just received the brand new battery powered solid state darTZeel NHB-18NS preamp. I owned the previous model for 9 years. it's astonishing how 'not in the way of the music' it is. and also the super low noise floor and amazing dynamics. the thing is alive.

very natural sounding with a harmonically rich and textured mid range and very transparent. ambience and nuance retrieval is off the charts.

combines the best of tubes, and the best of solid sounds like music

easily the finest preamp I have heard, and includes a world class phono stage.
George knows what's up. Drop $60 on a Schiit Sys passive preamp and see how you like it.