Best Tube Amp under 10K?

Having every audio dealer in town recommend their line as "the best unless you want to spend $25K" and buy a ..." is frustrating. Well, like most of us, I can't spend $25K on amps ... but I am curious to know what others consider their "final" amp upgrade under $10K. My listening tastes are wide ranging but will mostly include SACD jazz and classical. I do not have a turntable ... yet. And I ususally play at low to moderate volumes only (the wife factor)-- speakers are reasonably efficient 91DB KEF Ref 4's that I hope to upgrade.
I totally agree with Drrasta, the BAT VK-75SE is terrific. The other amps you may want to consider if the KEF's do not have a severe impedance drop are the Atma-sphere MA1 MKII.2 monoblocks. They are amazing as well.
I had the Audio Research VT100 Mk II and then VT200. Excellent amps if you don't mind the fan noise. I agree the BAT is also great equipment but I wanted more power. Just picked up a brand new pair of Sonic Frontiers power 3's for around $4000 you can't beat them. Plenty of power to drive my N802's and to my ears they sound as good and in some respects better then AR. Used with SF Line 3 SE and Sony 777ES SACD.
Hi, Lorne.

The Cary SLI-80 is a killer for the price. From the right dealer, it will give you access to the most awesome stockpile of NOS tubes in North America.

Price is less than $3,000, and it's an integrated.


I'm off the amp upgrade train now that I have my BAT VK-75SE. Smooth and accurate and beautiful to look at too.