Best Tubed Preamp For A Warm, Rich Sound, Yet Still Detailed and Agile

As the title says, I am looking for an exceptional preamp (obviously tubed) with warmth and liquidity, some of that golden glow, in the midrange and highs. I do not want slowness, or lack of detail, however. My budget is up to $6,000.00, for a used model. 

Based on my research, many of those that might make the list are very rare to find, and other recommendations would be greatly appreciated. 

The amplifier that I will be using the preamp with is superb, but not well known, which is why I failed to mention it earlier. It is the Wells Audio Innamorata, which is single ended with an amplifier input impedance of 50k ohms. 
Here's a few you may want to adition. VTL 2.5, Aesthetix Calipso, Wyetech Pearl, Lamm LL2.1, Sutherland N1. (I know the N1 is solid state, but I'm still recommending it)
What amplifier will you be using?

There have been many worthy suggestions, but as Georgehifi alluded to earlier impedance compatibility with the amplifier needs to be considered. Also, compatibility with the amplifier in terms of gain, and with respect to whether both components would be best suited for the same type of interconnection (i.e., balanced or unbalanced).

-- Al

I'm not really sure what you are looking for. From what you have posted, it sounds like your preferences are toward the rich and warm sound, though you would like a bit of detail. 

You have to understand that as you get warmer, richer, sweeter sound, you also lose detail and definition. The higher the resolution and detail, the less warm and rich sounding. So obviously you cannot go in two opposite directions at one time.

That said, if I am reading you right, the Cary SLP-05 or a Joule Electra LA-300ME may be just what you are looking for.  
The Allnic L-3000 mk 2 is more similar to my original suggestion of the VAC Renaissance mk III. These are not the warmest or richest sounding tube amps. The VAC and Allnic both lean more toward the resolution/detail side of the fence, but with a bit more warmth than the likes of ARC.

It seems like you want more warmth and richness, so Cary, CJ or JE may be what works best for you.
I appreciate everyone's input thus far. I will research and carefully consider your suggestions. I've also had recommendations for the following:

Cary SLP-05
Allnic L-3000 MK2
McIntosh MC500T
Joule Electra LA-150 Mk II Special Edition

Any thoughts on whether these would provide what I am looking for would also be appreciated. Thanks.
Another nod for the Lamm LL2 or the LL2.1. I purchased the LL2 used and after letting it go cycled back to a new LL2.1 after trying some really good used preamps, the only other preamps I tryed that gave the Lamm a run were the Audible Illusions Line stage with upgrades and a First Sound Presence that was the equal of the Lamm. Good luck

You have a lot of good options here to choose from, but don't forget the benefit of a tube preamp is the ability to try different tubes! The warm, rich, detailed sound you're looking for could depend on the tubes you decide to use as much as the preamp itself.

Perhaps if you list what the tube Pre. will be paired with would help. I'm going to suggest save some money and get a Vincent SA-T8, fully balanced Pre-Amp. The most musically involving Pre-Amp I've heard at anywhere near or double it's cost. Roll in some better tubes and you've got a Pre. you won't ever want to switch off.
For less than one third the price you could try Linear Tube Audio in home for 15 days and see if it works.  From the reviews it sounds like it has the characteristics you're looking for.

Or maybe the Sachs SP14 at about the same price

Just a couple other options to consider.  Best of luck. 

I may get flamed for this, but based on how my McIntosh C220 sounds, I would suggest that (~$2800 used) or the C2300 (similar, with a better phono section).  I seek what you seek, and for me, the C220 does the trick.  Whether it has enough "golden glow" for you or not, I can't say.

You have enough in your budget to get the deHavilland Mercury 3 which is an upgrade over the UltraVerve which is an exceptional preamplifier. I was a dealer for them for about 12 years and we had a room together at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest in Denver. Deliriously good.

deHavilland UltraVerve. Wish I still had mine. So good. Outstanding resolution and detail, big tone and can boogie.



Best Tubed Preamp For A Warm, Rich Sound, Yet Still Detailed and Agile. I do not want slowness, or lack of detail, however.
As a starting point, I suggest you look for a tube preamp that has low output impedance, something below <1kohm (<1000ohms) 20hz to 20khz, as that will ensure it can drive comfortably any poweramp input, even if it’s 10kohm input impedance, without any added colourations, eg: fatness/thickness/thinness, slowness, rolled off.
Then pick your choices from there.

You could even though it’s much cheaper than your budget, for a trial period try the Schiit Freya, remote control, passive, active s/s, or active tube, balanced or single ended, if you don’t like it you can send it back.

Cheers George
If you have not had a Direct Heated Triode preamplifier,, it is thr purest sound you 
Will find . After having  every type. This is the most direct type without question ,
Single ended. I am using a custom Lundahl based 4P1L Vacuum tube 
Preamp.  For 1/2 your  $6'k budget  you can best preamps are 3-4 that in resolution and refinement, Radu Tarta is one of the best engineers 
I have ever met .p.s just look up this tube it is probably the most linear Vacuum tube for  music ,just research  the 4P1L  Vacuum Tube.
VAC Renaissance mk III would probably fill the bill nicely, very hard to find on the used market though.
From time to time, you will see a Doshi Alaap come up for sale.  Line state only would be well within your budget but they are more rare.  Full function would be near the top of our range.  Also highly recommend VAC Ren. 
Agreed on Shindo listened to my friends Vosne Romanee/Montrachet combo the other night amazing sound! Also would recommend Audio Note an M3 linestage new is in your budget or you could score a used M3 or M4 if you keep an eye on the ads here.
Atma-Sphere MP-3, would be my recommendation. Even better if paired with Atma amps.
I never knew sound could be reproduced so cleanly and transparently.
+ 1 on the  Lamm LL2 and Monbrison. If you're not doing phono, you would be wasting a very good phono stage with the latter. As much as I love the Shindo, the Lamm may match a wider range of amps.
I would suggest Shindo.(Aurieges or maybe a Monbrisson, perhaps a little over your price range, though) or a Lamm LL2 or 2.1.  An older VAC Renaissance might also be in your range, if you can find one.  I have heard all of these in my systems at various times and have enjoyed them all.