Best Turntable at $1,500? Please Advise.

Dear Analog Veterans, I'm taking the plunge, and getting a turntable, following numerous disappointements with DACs (Bel Canto & MSB included) and the digital domain in general. I am new to the turntable arena, and would value advice from any analog savvy Audiogoners out there. I'm thinking of spending somewhere in the region of $1,500 (for table, arm, cartridge and phono stage) but would also value structuring my purchase so that there are good upgrade paths available in the near term (I could be willing to spend another $1,000 about four months from now). I would be most interested in getting something used on Audiogon, so if you know of any good deals in this pricepoint, please feel free to share. I could also consider upgrading my preamp to one with a phono stage (sensible I think). I hope my budget is enough to get me started (let me know if I really need to spend more though). Sound quality is, of course, of paramount importance, but if the table is visually appealing that would be great (more girlfriend friendly :-) Thanks in advance for your advice. My system is as follows: Bryston BP20 Preamp, Bryston 3B-ST Power Amp, B&W Nautilus 805 speakers, Stealth TR silver and PC Premier copper speaker cables (true birewire), Cardas Golden Cross, Kimber KCAG and Homegrown Audio Silver Lace Interconnects.
If you decide to buy new, check out the Basis 1400 which is in your price range. Basis has modified the big problem with the RB 300 arm (which is no VTA adjustment) through a modified design. This is a problem that I can't believe is overlooked so often in discussions about this arm. The RB300 arm comes with their table. Another point about Basis, their budget 1400 table comes with the same Swiss sourced high end motor and assembly as their mega-bucks tables. Another turntable that I have heard is promising is the newest Sumiko (prototype was called the 6.0 or 6.9 I'm not sure what the new designation is, I can check with dealer friends if you're interested). This retails for $1,000 new, including arm. I have heard reports that this is very, very good for the money. This is marketed by Sumiko and is manufactured in Eastern Eurpope. Both of these are visually striking as well being made of clear acylic material. I'm fond of the older tables myself and regret selling my Sota. If I were to shop in your price range I would consider both used and newer tables. Like almost everything in audio, there are moderately priced products today that outperform high end products of the past. That said, turntables have a more distinct and obvious sound of their own than almost any other component except speakers imo. For a budget cartridge I still like the Blue Point Special (unless I had LOTS more money to spend). There are cartridges that are exponentially better, but also very expensive. I think that the "middle ground" for cartridges is difficult right now -- lower priced products like the Blue Points (and other similarly priced products -- take your pick) make money based on quantity while design, manufacturing, marketing costs for the very expensive products are recouped by virtue of big ticket prices. Although it is great to see renewed interest in turntables, I think it is very difficult for cartridge manufacturers to successfully address the middle ground due to the numbers game. I'm seriously considering a great deal that was offered on a TNT with JMW Millenium arm even though there are other areas in my system that I had planned to upgrade first. I really miss my LP sound. good luck. (P.S. plan on getting a record cleaning machine. I rarely see these used but there are lower priced models that get the job done reasonably well.)
There is no "big problem" with the lack of VTA on the Rega arms.Add a spacer or 2,I found the angle with no spacer works the best for me. Big problem?? If it were so critical there wouldnt be so many arms sold,awesome reviews,MANY other table manufacturers using them on their tables etc,etc.The Basis 1400 is less dynamic with less bass extention than the Rega P-25.The P-25 rocks hard,the 1400 waltzes.Plus the 1400 costs more.Read the reviews in For the $2000 and under table/arm combo the P-25 blows all others away.I listened to most and have first hand knowledge. The wooden Grado's may be the cartridge of choice for cost vs performance.Again read the reviews.The so called Grado hum "problem" is a problem only if you are bothered by a slight hum at the end of the record upon raising the arm.I have never heard a hum during music or between tracks.ONLY when the arm/cartridge is above the platter.The Blue point special is Ok but if you are a rocker or even a bass lover it will disappoint. All this is my opinion only of course.
Hey, David. I suggested that Outlier take a listen to two new tables in his price range that weren't mentioned. The Regas are OK and I think the RB300 is a good sounding arm for what it is. I happen to think that having to adjust VTA with spacers is a less than desireable design solution. Like I said, I miss my SOTA and will soon be using a new VPI TNT with a JMW arm. And, I'll stick with the Blue Point Special until I decide to step up to something significantly better. A matter of taste...
Jim,I wasnt talkng about the "Regas" in general.The P-2 and P-3 are more than OK, but what I was recommending is the P-25 with the RB-600 tonearm.Specifically this table/arm.I would like to have a high priced T.T./ cartridge but cant afford both.If you can put a killer ($$) P.U.on the TNT then I envy you.I think a P-25 with a ($$) P.U. would be better than a TNT or many other ($$) T.T.'s with an inferior P.U. and Im not referring to the BPS,Im not knocking it.Again,as far as having to use spacers on the Rega arms there are VTA add ons avaliable.I for one have no problem with VTA.The rake angle is just fine.One could spend much more on an arm with VTA and have an inferior arm compared to a Rega with no VTA.IMO! Happy Holidays Jim and every one else.Looks like all Santa is bringing me is a bag of poop.I hope you all do better!
Guys, the question was for analog system including phono stage for 1500.00. I still don't see how you can do better than a VPI HW19(any vintage)with a Rega, Alphason, or if you have a tweaking predilection a ET2 for around $700-800. This was and still is one of the all time great, reasonably priced combos. And as a bonus this arm in spite of all it's tweakiness, can be a lot of fun to play with not to mention that it is in a different sonic league from a lot of the moderately priced arms. As an alternative, the more that I think about it, how about a Linn/Ittok. Great sounding and fun fun fun to listen to. The one that started it all ($750). As far as cartridges go, I hold to my position of no used cartridge, unless it's from a VERY reputable dealer. As far as MM vs MC, depends on the rest of your system. I installed a Grado Platinum in a Rega 300 for a friend; it replaced a Blue point Special. No contest. Much more natural timbre, soundstaging, bass, you name it. You really should not try to use anything with less than 1mv output with anything other than a first rate tubed phono stage. The Melos can do it, and while it can handle a Monster Genesis .2mv, it really comes alive with my Vandenhull MC1 .4mv. A Grado (1.5, 4.0) really lets it take charge dynamically, although with a little less detail and overall refinement. Look for a good deal in a Benz Glider. Remember, generally speaking something like the Grado will give you a more opulent sound, more fleshed out images. A MC will give you a more tightly defined sound, more seperation of images and probably more brightness as well which may or may not be good with the rest of your system. And lastly, pay LOTS of attention to what your new table will be sitting on. If at all possible, MOUNT IT ON THE WALL. Happy listening.