Best US magazine for equipment review?

I do the publicity for a small UK company - Cetech AV - who make isolation platforms. We'd like to get our platform and perhaps our LP12 upgrade kit reviewed for the US enthusiast. Which magazines would be most suitable in your opinions?
Has to be the Listener. Problem with people like Colloms is that they do contract design work for the industry...... and know nothing about music, however good their techno knowledge. Art Dudley, Chris Beeching and Rob Doorak at Listener have the best written ears I've come across, and they seem to enjoy the stuff as well as understand both hardware and software. Herb Reichert and Mike Trei also have insightful writings to enjoy. H. Gizmo R also features sometimes with amusing tales. It's a pretty well-informed and colorful mag. G.T.Elm. Mass.
All of the major high-end audio mags have been listed above, but I'd add one other to your choices: Glass Audio. Many of the "tubeaholics" are interested in isolation devices for their amps as well as their turntables.