best used amp for Martin Logan SL3's

I am searching for a used "affordable" amplifier to drive Martin Logan SL3's.....I would like to look into vintage Mcintosh or other solid state units. I have gleaned that McIntosh can be great or bad depending on the speaker impedance. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
The Aragon 8008BB will drive anything and can be had for less than $1000 used.
Great speaker! Something with high current and stable into a low impedance will do nice. YBA amplifiers have very high current (even though "watts" rating may be considered low) and are stable driving low impedance loads. They also sound fantastic with SL3.
I am running mine with a set of PSE Studio V monoblocks and it sounds really sweet.My only complaint is that its a little bass shy and I've got a feeling that's the speakers and not the amps.The PSE's are 120 watt SS mono's.