Best Used Floorstanders for Rock & HT under $2100?

I already own a pair of Quad ESL63s which are great for listening to classical, chamber and acoustic music, but I also enjoy listening to classic rock and need a speaker with some clear, clean, fast, accurate thump in the lower end to listen to classic rock on. The speakers will also double as the front end of my home theater system. I have a fairly large listening room. I will be using a subwoofer for home theater, but prefer not to have to use one when listening to to 2 channel stereo. Would appreciate any advice on speakers I could purchase for these purposes. Would be great if they are presently or frequently for sale here on the Gon. Thanks.

I too highly recommend the Von Schweikert VR4 Jrs. @ pairs available at or close to your price requirements today here on the 'Gon.
Interesting, I have PASS electronics too and didnt like the VR line.....I guess diffent strokes for different folks...
Thanks everybody for your input. I finally decided to go with a pair of Von Schweikert VR4s which I was able to find on a VS owners website for under $2K. I am eagerly awaiting their arrival. Should be about a week from now. Will let everyone know how they match up with my vintage McIntosh gear. Now, if I can only find some lead shot to load them with here in Hawaii.

I guess I'm too late to chime in here but I can't believe you guys overlooked the pair of Hales Revelation Threes for sale right now here on Audiogon. Even ten years on from when they were new there is still hardly anything being sold today that can hold a candle to those babys for overall sound and VALUE! If you have a good amp they would have been on my short-list for sure! -jz