Bi-wire: is it worth it?

I am about to buy a sweet set of used martin logan stats. They have four terminals, and can be bi-wired. Someone has suggested I should bi-wire them. However, this would come at an additional cost, as I would have to buy new speaker cables. Does bi-wiring make a noticeable difference?
Elegal....I've heard the system bettered every time...sometimes dramatically, sometimes incrementally. In my experience, if the speakers were designed with bi-wire in mind (separate low and high sections ....2 (or more) input connections on the speaker) there is a very worthwhile improvement
My speakers are set up for bi-wiring and my cables are bi-wired Kimber 8PR banana plugs. If I wanted to compare bi-wire to regular (single) as this point, what do I do?

Yes, I have the original metal jumpers, but some think they degrade the sound and custom jumpers are needed. If I get custom jumpers, what brand?

And ... lastly, what do I do with the extra set of cable leads? Tape over the banana leads and fold them back?

I bet the whole quixotic exercise will be one of futility, but I'm game to try.

Bifwynne, getting custom jumpers and only using half of the Kimber 8PR would not be a fair test. A quick easy way to eliminate bi-wire is to install the jumpers with the 8PR connected as it is now. If you could use a short piece of quality wire to do this, that should be better than the straps. Nevertheless, that will eliminate bi-wire for a comparison.
@Kijanki, IMHO your back EMF explanation is the only plausible one I have heard for why it would be beneficial to bi-wire.

However, I wonder then what the point is of bi-wiring with a cable that has all for wires twisted and wrapped in the same sheathing. Wouldn't the individual runs need to be separated in order to fully isolate them from EMF interactions?
Nick_sr, I don't know - inductance is inductance in any configuration but there are different and often strange findings. I've heard, for instance, that shorting positive (red) of upper and lower speaker in biwired speaker changes the sound. I have tried it and it does, but the only explanation I can come up with is that it removes half of the inductance from divider. Change was very small and I don't remember if it was for the better or the worse. It must've been for the worse since I rejected idea.