Biamping question

Hi all,
I use Aq Anconda from cdpl. to the first amp (highs) and Aq Amazon from that amp to second amp (lows).

My q is do i have to use same type of ics ?

Or and what do you suggest ?

Opps! Hey Grisslehamn, Let me warn you that if you do not find these cables used there is a recommended 200 hour break in! (no kidding) and mine sucked up every bit of it before sounding really good. Much equipment has a break in period but... So, just a FYI. Cheers!
I think the questions about matching were answered.

In terms of grounding, either direction is fine, I would just make sure I mounted the i/c's the same direction (if they are matched). Most i/c's are grounded on the "to" side if I am not mistaken (and if I am, I'm sure I will be jumped on)--I would just want to make sure that my pre to amp interconnect shielding was grounded on the same side (amplifier) to prevent any small residual currents (ground loops, hums, etc.). If you hear no problems, then they are probably not present--don't sweat the small stuff.
I have sold my cables now, and have two ics of the same lenght and brand and same goes for speakercables.