blue collar workers

was just sittin here wondering how many people here at audiogon are blue collar workers.

just curious as to how many people work with their hands that enjoy the same hobby as me.

i myself run a 25 to 30 man construction crew in michigan & all the other hifi nuts i know are not blue collar people.

I like to say I use my mind to solve problems then, use my hands to bring it to fruition. : )

I's be a machine repair tech. (injection molding)electronics,hydraulics,pneumatics.Never a dull day in my career of choice, problems are everchanging.
Having access to a complete tool room for "government work" is one of the perks.
I work as a Machine Repairman for Ford Motor Company in Ohio, some times my blue collar is black with grease.
Well I spent 31 years at General Motors Truck and Bus factory in Pontiac, Michigan..U.A.W. Local 594. I only found about 3-4 audiophiles like myself in all those years but no shortage of music lovers. The boom-boxes blasted all day up and down the lines.

I'm an electrician for a municipality. Overtime $$ are spent on toys, and i am willing to sacrafice more than half of my weekends to being on call in order to keep my many hobbies interesting.

I normally work third shift, and tend to listen to classical music at work which raises more than a few eyebrows when people walk by my truck.
Construction Superintendent / Project Manager on Bridges, Dams, Power Plants, etc. Started as Quality Control (rock counter) in a materials lab.