Bob Carver LLC has been purchased by Emotiva

From the Bob Carver LLC Facebook site:

Some of you may have heard that Bob Carver LLC has been purchased by Emotiva. It is true and a very exciting development for the company. We will remain a "Made in the USA" brand of Bob Carver designed products. There are lots of good things to come!!
Wow! The economies of scale at work, I love it.
Hi-fi becomes more accessible. It's a beautiful thing.
I just purchased the Emotiva XPR-2, it arrived two days ago.
I will be doing audition,comparison in the next few weeks.
I really wanted the Bryston 14b-sst but even used at 2,5 times the cost of a new Emotiva xpr-2, it was no brainer.
Yioryos, be sure to get back with us with a review after it gets burned-in.
I'm really rooting for the Emotiva XPR series to be good.
I don't know why it matters whether Bob Carver notified dealers or distributors.

It is unclear to me why dealers and distributors have a problem with old stock. Did the sale of the business result in a price change? I didn't see any announcement other than the sale of the business. Could Bob Carver have changed prices even without selling the business? I bet he could have.

If he did, does that mean the distributors and dealers are left holding the bag? Maybe. But you know, that's the risk that businesses take.

Nothing unethical to see here.
Did the sale of the business result in a price change?
Read some press release a price drop. I THINK THINK BB is $7900 and Cherry 180 is $6000.