Bob Carver LLC has been purchased by Emotiva

From the Bob Carver LLC Facebook site:

Some of you may have heard that Bob Carver LLC has been purchased by Emotiva. It is true and a very exciting development for the company. We will remain a "Made in the USA" brand of Bob Carver designed products. There are lots of good things to come!!
This is what I love about the forums...based on the cost of Carver tube stuff, I'm even more happy with my el cheapo Jolida amp that keeps on truckin' with zero issues and fabulous sound all day long. Was that snarky? Sorry...In any case, what the hell is in, for example, that beautiful Rogers amp I see at a local shop that justifies its costing multiples of my beloved Jolida? It certainly isn't its sound, as I found that to be nothing special. I just bought an astonishingly well built Class A hand wired USA made all tube guitar amp (Burriss Royal Bluesman with spring reverb and rectifier!) that lists for about $1000 new (mine was used and half that price, but still). Frankly I think pricing of some amps is weirdly arbitrary although understandably market driven, but maybe people LIKE to pay through the proverbial nose...virtual sinus cleansing?
Dragon, 'Dan and his tech staff' is that the guy the emoyah minions call Big Dan?

I'm so sorry to hear of this/your situation and could easily become my own.
What to do?
They are not really supporting the so called warranty on the tubes and I guess the amplifier it self. The amp is hand built in t he US for what I have been told. But to be honest if the company wont support the warranty simply omit the information off the website and don't offer it. It just feels like false promise to me. I have decided to keep the amps, now since warranty wont be supported I will just upgrade the volume pots and capacitors inside the amp to take them up a few level. I have just ordered another Pre-amp from Bill Baker from Purity audio.
Dragon, I hear you.

The Purity is an interesting design. I remember seeing show photos of them being paired with Carvers. What are you currently using and what are you about to get?
Getting the Atma MA2

Running my Bobs with the Bill Bakers Leanna line of preamp. I like the sound of his pre-amps compared to many others iv tried including VAC.

At the moment am using the purity with Clayton M300. Once the Atma is delivered, I will use the Clayton with the Danley SH50 for HT Duties and acquire the M200 for Centre Channel.

The Bobs are moving into a smaller room now, and will start modifying the amps with better caps and volume pot. Just disappointed on how Bob and the new buyers are acting these days with pricing and support. Total disappointment.

Just ordered a Pair of Legacy audio Whisper XD too, that should arrive in 2 weeks.