Book on McIntosh

Like a lot of other audiophiles with not only ears, but eyes, I have become a McIntosh-addict. Is there or were there books on McIntosh-amps?
I know Russell's website and all the other usual web-suspects. I am talking about a real book, with nice color photographs, and a real story of McIntosh. Ken Kessler has done a good one on Quad that came out recently.
Call or email them and suggest it. I would guess that there is a market for it, probably even a nicer limited edition version.
I e-mailed McIntosh as follows:

I, like many other audiophiles, read with interest about Ken Kessler's book on Quad. How about a book on McIntosh's history, done by a real writer, not only with nice color photographs, but with the whole, real story on the lines of the Quad-book? I for one, and I guess thousands of other McIntosh-addicts, would rush to buy it.
Florian Hassel

This is their answer:

Dear Mr. Hassel,

Thank you for contacting McIntosh. It's funny you ask about this as we've been in discussions with a writer since last November on a project very similar to the Quad book. In fact I have one here at the factory. No doubt that a historical book of McIntosh would be well received by domestic and international consumers.

2 of our 4 founding fathers are living and the history they hold is priceless. Plus, Dave O'Brien, the engineer who traveled the US holding our Amplifier clinics, Roger Russell, our loudspeaker engineer who developed our first speakers and Dirk Roos, our national sales manager responsible for the loyal domestic dealer base are are still with us. I see Dirk and Dave occasionally in the area and they are doing well. Roger is in FL. Even if we decide against a book (which would be ludicrous) we need to capture as much of their recollections, stories and photos as possible.

Thank you for your nice note. I'll share it with my colleagues.


S. A. Goff
Marketing & PR Manager
McIntosh Laboratory, Inc.