Bookshelf vs. Floorstand

What is the difference between bookshelf and floorstanding speakers. There are lots of very expensive bookshelf speakers... do they perform better than cheaper floorstands?

I know it is usually the bass that is weak for bookshelf speakers but what if you have a sub? Will that make them comparable to floorstands? Can high end book shelf speakers from say focus or sonus fill in a big room as good as say hmm... paradigm 100s?
A good bookshelf will perform better than a cheap floorstander as you suspect and can hold their own against even many good floorstanders, you do need good stands for bookshelf speakers so you must keep that in mind in your choice between the two. That said, if you like the sound of Paradigm 100's (I do) won't find many or maybe even no bookshelf that can outperform a floorstander of this size in shear weight and output. With a sub that is well matched to your speakers and room you should have no problem surpassing the Paradigm.

Give a listen to a pair of paradigm studio 20's with the servo 15 sub. An awesome combination. Sub/satellite combos don't always sound that great though. I prefer the sound of stand mount speakers without a sub the best, however.
If space is an issue and you prefer bookshelf speakers I'd recommend Green Mountain Audio Europas. There are many testamonials on this site that speak to the Europas greatness.
Stands are VERY important. Fundemental extension of your monitors. Great monitors deserve great stands. I have the Revel M20s matched with the Sistrum Mini Monitor Platform System. Now that's a support system. They (Starsound Technnologies) also have another stand (less expensive) that is, also, fabulous. peace, warren